Gleisi Hoffman gave her first speech as Minister of Institutional Relations, the government’s legislative agenda does not have many points of contention, and congressional leaders will meet to discuss the 2025 Budget
All eyes were focused on Gleisi Hoffmann’s first speech as the Minister of Institutional Relations. As president of the Workers’ Party (PT), Gleisi had previously adopted a highly critical stance toward various agendas advocated by the economic team. When looking at the government’s announced agenda, there are not many points of contention. The issue of income tax is relatively well aligned with the president, as is the gas subsidy and the matter of payroll-deductible credit. Today, a meeting is scheduled between congressional leaders, the president of the Joint Budget Committee, Deputy Júlio Arcoverde (PP-PI), and the 2025 Budget Rapporteur, Senator Ângelo Coronel (PSD-BA), to discuss the report’s timeline and potential adjustments to its text.
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