Lula will launch payroll-deductible loans for the private sector today, the government is looking for funding sources for other programs, and Lula meets with Pacheco to discuss ministerial reform

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 12 Mar 2025 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula will attend an event this today at the Planalto Palace to launch payroll-deductible loans for the private sector. The new private payroll-deductible loan program will deduct installment payments directly from employees' paychecks using eSocial, the government system on which companies report employment contract details for formally registered workers. Other measures are under negotiation. With a tight budget, the government is looking for funding sources to finance the Pé-de-Meia and Gas Voucher programs, as well as parliamentary fund transfers. A meeting between President Lula (PT) and former Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), expected in the coming days, could advance the ministerial reform.

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