Ministerial reform strengthens inner circle but fails to address a major challenge

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 28 Feb 2025 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula’s (PT) ministerial reform has begun with risky moves. The Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, has been replaced by the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha (PT), confirming Trindade’s political sidelining. On the same day she was replaced, Trindade participated in the launch of the first 100% nationally produced dengue vaccine.

Padilha’s appointment to the Ministry of Health, which has the largest budget among all ministries, is likely to cause dissatisfaction among centrist parties. It is important to note that the Ministry of Health was one of the most sought-after ministries by these parties.

Lula’s second major move within his cabinet reshuffle, which is expected to generate further discomfort, took place today (February 28) with the appointment of the PT’s national president, Federal Deputy Gleisi Hoffmann (PR), to the Institutional Relations Secretariat, replacing Padilha. Gleisi will be responsible for the government’s political coordination with Congress. Given her combative political profile, her appointment is also unlikely to be well-received by the centrist parties.

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