The testimony of Bolsonaro’s former aid Mauro Cid has caused split reactions, next week the focus will be on the reconciliation meeting between the branches of government, and the House is expected to vote on two export bills
The release of videos featuring the testimony of former President Jair Bolsonaro’s former aide-de-camp, Mauro Cid, has sparked different reactions among government supporters and Bolsonaro’s allies. The pressure for Bolsonaro to signal whom he will support has intensified, but he continues to resist and is likely to insist on his own candidacy, much like Lula did in 2018. Next week, the main highlight on the agenda will be the reconciliation meeting between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches regarding parliamentary fund transfers. During a meeting yesterday, February 20, party leaders in the Lower House decided to vote next week on two bills aimed at facilitating small business exports: PL 4043/24 and PLP 167/24.
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