Two bills may be put to a vote in the House, Justice Dino will hold a conciliation meeting this week on parliamentary fund transfers, and a cabinet reshuffle remains on the radar

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 24 Feb 2025 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

In the Lower House, some important bills are on the agenda. Two bills aimed at facilitating small business exports may be put to a vote: PL No. 4,043/24, which reduces taxes for small exporters, and PLP No. 167/24, which simplifies the refund process for taxes already paid on exported products for small businesses. Both bills were introduced by the Executive Branch. On Thursday (February 27), Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Flávio Dino will hold a conciliation meeting regarding parliamentary fund transfers. The meeting is expected to be successful in unlocking the budget vote, which may take place after Carnival. Ministerial reform remains on the radar. It appears that President Lula has already decided to replace the Minister of Health: Alexandre Padilha, the current Minister of Institutional Relations, is expected to replace Nísia Trindade in the Ministry of Health.

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