GlobalSource Partners’ Dominican Republic Country Analyst Pavel Isa is a leading authority on economic development and public policy. He has worked in the public and private sectors for multilateral organizations and think tanks, on issues related to economic development, fiscal challenges, export performance, trade policies and social policies.
Dr. Isa is also a faculty member of the graduate program of economics at the Instituto Tecnólogico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and an associate partner of Grupo Consultoria Pareto, an economic consulting firm based in Santo Domingo.
Most recently, Dr. Isa served as Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, and prior to that, as Deputy Minister for Planning and Public Investment. In these positions he contributed to strengthening development policy planning and public investment management, factors that have been key in the country's recent outstanding economic performance. He was an advisor to the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, collaborating in the formulation and monitoring of public policies related to the country's economic development. This included coordinating national planning objectives with the government’s budget, accounting, and resource management systems. Dr. Isa also served as an economic advisor to the Ministry of Finance, conducting studies and helping to adjust and monitor fiscal policy.
Dr. Isa has worked with the United Nations as director of its World Food Program and as research coordinator for its UNDP Human Development Office. He has also conducted research for national centers and regional research networks.
Dr. Isa holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, has an M.A. in economic policy from the Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica and holds an undergraduate degree in economics from INTEC in Santo Domingo.